Having a milestone birthday really does make one reflect on a life that you have already lived and what is left of the life you still have to live. Some say that turning 40 is the turning point, the time when you reach the peak and everything after that is a downward spiral, or the start of the end of your life.
For me it has been like a rebirth, a kick in the butt to get off my backside and do, do, do! Ive changed my lifestyle from a very unhealthy one to living healthier. I quit smoking in 2012 and started exercising and living healthier and believe me I have never felt better. In fact you can feel young again by simply making some lifestyle changes. I actually feel bad when I over indulge or don't exercise and those things now make me happy rather than irritated that I have to do it. Yes unfortunately I was not blessed with a great metabolism!
Also Ive used the opportunity of making some dreams a reality and I will be travelling to Italy this year! It has been a dream of mine forever and now is the time to make it a reality, I'm as excited as a small child on their way to their first amusement park! I've also resolved to make a plan to travel overseas at least once a year, funds permitting of course, even if it's just to a great city for a few days.
Trust me, turning 40 is great! It's the start of the rest of your life, you have all the experience to make your life wonderful. I also started this year with a new positive attitude and this helps to make you a happy, healthy person and turns 40 simply into another number that means nothing unless you let it.
Someone said "Life begins at 40" - trust me, in my case I will make sure that this is definitely the case! It's in my hands. I can either be devastated by it or choose to make this the start of the rest of my life. Guess which one I choose?
So here goes to a life filled with new adventures, acting like a teenager with the knowledge and experience all teenagers think they have but now I really do! Here's to living like a soul reborn, like a body reshaped, like a mind free to roam the world. Here's to living and enjoying and grabbing things with both hands and here's to making dreams a reality and crossing off those things on the bucket list.
I still feel 28 anyway, never aged since then and that's how I will continue to live my life!
I'm turning 40, BRING IT ON!!!!
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